خبر عاجل: من مسيحي قطاع غزة


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29 نوفمبر 2005
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الرجاء من الإخوة الكرام المقيمين على هذا المنتدى الكريم الذي يمجد رب المجد يسوع المسيح أن تنشروا هذا الخبر الهام جدا جدا وأن توصلوها للجهات المختصة
إن حركة حماس قامت بعد عملية احتلال قطاع غزة بخطف الدكتورة سناء الصايغ التي تعمل في جامعة فلسطين بتعاون من رئيس جامعة فلسطين الدولية الموجودة بغزة بالتعاون أيضاً مع أحد قادة حماس إسماعيل هنية وهي بنت أحد قادة الكنيسة في قطاع غزة وتم إجبارها على إعلان إسلامها وتم تزويجها بالقوة ونحن في قطاع غزة مقطوعين عن العالم
رجاء محبة من مشرفين هذا المنتدى ومن كل الذين يقرآون هذا الخبر أن يتحركوا بسرعة من أجل نشر هذا الخبر وإبلاغ كل مؤسسات حقوق الإنسان الدولية ومساعدتنا في قطاع غزة وأنا بقول لكم أن مسيحي من غزة أن حماس سوف تصدر مرسوم بإجبار كل واحد مسيحي على دفع الجزية ونحن نريد منكم أن تساعدونا
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Palestin Alquds On Line

أنقذونا .... أنقذونا ....... أنقذونا ... تحركوا من أجل المسيح

Dona Nabil

خادمة الرب
مشرف سابق
31 مايو 2007
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رد على: خبر عاجل: من مسيحي قطاع غزة

( صادقه هى معونتى من عند الله المنجى المستقيمى القلوب )............ وقادر ربنا ينجيها وينجى كل المسيحين من كل شر ............ ولنصلى من كل قلوبنا ليتمجد عمل الرب ويعمل الخير .

Coptic Man

ابن المـــــ†ـــــلك
مشرف سابق
5 أكتوبر 2005
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رد على: خبر عاجل: من مسيحي قطاع غزة

الرب يكون معاها ومن كل ضيق يخرجها

عراقية للمسيح

ومعك لا اريد شي
عضو مبارك
10 يناير 2007
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رد على: خبر عاجل: من مسيحي قطاع غزة

يا ربي
فعلا حزنت
هذا الشي يصير في فلسطين و في العراق
يا ربي ساعدنا نحن المسيحيين
ساعد المسيحيين في قطاع غزة
امين يا رب

the servant

بدور +علي+ نفسي
عضو مبارك
20 ديسمبر 2006
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متكئ علي صدرة
رد على: خبر عاجل: من مسيحي قطاع غزة

سلام ونعمة اخي العزيز فعلا اللي بيحصل في غزة دلوقتي هي صفات لنظم متخلقة متشددة
لا تقبل بفكرة قبول الاخر وهو دة اللي حصل في لبنان وجنوب السودان ومصر وغيرها من الدول
العربية اللي بتسمح لامثال هؤلاء بالانتشار لكن عزانا الوحيد ثقتنا في الكتاب المقدس
(في العالم سيكون لكم ضيق لكن ثقوا انا قد غلبت العالم)


New member
29 نوفمبر 2005
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شكرا من أجل الأحبه

حبيت أشكركم على حبكم للمسيح وأمانتكم وباسم المسيح سوف ترجع الدكتورة سناء للمسيح وينكشف الإسلام الذي يرهب أتباعة
والمجد كل المجد لرب الأرباب يسوعنا الحي


ولــو بمـوت
عضو مبارك
20 ديسمبر 2006
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((غـــزة حمـــــاهــا الــلـة بـالصـلـيـب ))
رد على: خبر عاجل: من مسيحي قطاع غزة

Hamas-aligned officials at Gaza City's Palestine International University have been accused of forcibly converting one of their female Christian colleagues to Islam. Sana al-Sayegh, head of the university's Science and Technology Department, disappeared in late June, reported WorldNetDaily. Days later she contacted her family and indicated that she was being held against her will and would have to marry a Muslim man who was also a professor at the university.

Another week passed and the family received a conversion certificate stating that their daughter was now a Muslim. One of the witnesses who signed the ******** was the university president, a known Islamist with strong ties to Hamas.

When the family complained to the Hamas authorities, they were promptly visited by a group of heavily-armed militants who insisted Sayegh's conversion and marriage had been matters of free will.

Sayegh reportedly returned to work last week, but has not contacted her family. Attempts by the family to contact her new husband have gone unanswered.

Gaza is home to a tiny Christian community of only 2,000, among a Muslim majority of more than one million. When Hamas secured outright control of Gaza in June, the group declared that the area's Christians would have to submit to strict Islamic law.


Female Christian Professor Forced to Convert
female Christian university professor was forced to convert to Islam last week, according to a claim by an official from the Palestinian Authority that has been refuted by the Hamas militant group.

If true, Todd Nettleton from Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) says the professor, Sana-al-Sayegh, would find it hard to come back because she signed a ******** stating that she is a Muslim. Reconverting to Christianity is apostasy – which is punishable by death under Islamic law.

"It is extremely difficult now for her to come back and say ‘Wait a minute! I'm not a Muslim, I'm a Christian,'" Nettleton told Mission Network News (MNN). “Because of the signed ********s, even if they were signed under duress, in the minds of the Muslim populous, she is a Muslim."

According to reports, the professor’s family said Sayegh would never convert to Islam by choice.

It was also reported that the woman called her parents five days after she went missing saying that she was being held against her will so she could be married to a Muslim man.

The family later received a copy of the conversion ********s, which had been signed by witnesses.

Since Hamas claimed Sayegh converted willfully, it was hard to say what kind of help the government will offer, explained Nettleton.

"In the government's mind then, ‘OK, she changed her faith. That's fine.' So it's hard to know how the government will play this - what type of a role they will take. I assume that there will not be penalties," the VOM spokesman said.

In June of this year, Hamas had seized complete control of the Gaza Strip. A Hamas-allied militant leader, in an interview with World Net Daily, said that the region’s Christian minority could live there safely on the condition they accept Islamic law.

Of the nearly 1.5 million people in the Gaza Strip, the CIA estimates the Christian population to be about 10,000 (or 0.7 percent). Muslims, meanwhile, reportedly make up 98.7 percent of the

Hamas denies claims of forced conversion, family says otherwise

(MNN) ― A female Christian university professor was converted to Islam by force last week, according to officials from Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah organization and the woman's family.

Hamas denies the claim, saying that Fatah is spreading lies. However, the woman, Sana al-Sayegh, called her parents five days after she went missing. She reported that she was being held against her will so she could be married to a Muslim man, who also is a professor at the university.

Todd Nettleton of Voice of the Martyrs says, "It is extremely difficult now for her to come back and say ‘Wait a minute! I'm not a Muslim, I'm a Christian.' Because of the signed ********s, even if they were signed under duress, in the minds of the Muslim populous, she is a Muslim." Reconverting to Christianity is apostasy--a crime worthy of execution in the Muslim mind.

Her family says Sayegh would never convert to Islam by choice. A few days after the phone call, they received a copy of the conversion ********s which had been signed by two witnesses, one of which is the president of the University where Sayegh teaches.

Since Hamas claims Sayegh converted willfully, it is hard to say what kind of help the government will offer. "In the government's mind then, ‘OK, she changed her faith. That's fine.' So it's hard to know how the government will play this--what type of a role they will take. I assume that there will not be penalties."

Sayegh is head of the Science and Technology Department and the only female doctorate in her field. "The thought that a Christian woman would be in such a position would probably cause bad feelings among certain Islamic militants in that area," said Nettleton.

Sayegh's family and Christian leaders attempted a meeting with the former prime minister of Hamas, but they were denied.

While Sayegh came to work last Tuesday, she has yet to reach her family. Sources say she has probably been threatened against contacting her family. According to sources close to Sayegh's family, a Hamas representative was sent to her parents household to tell them that Sayegh did not want to associate with them unless they converted to Islam.


