فقط انا وابي الذي في السماء


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21 سبتمبر 2007
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I held His hand, I had to raise my arm above my head just to reach His hand but it brought me comfort like no other. I was naught but a child, I had no wisdom but my Fathers wisdom, I had no strength but the strength that my Father bestowed upon me. We walked together on the beach discussing His plans for me and it made me glad. For above all, my Father loved me and thought of me, He is the light of my world.
My heart was filled with joy for I was in my Father’s presence and his love for His son was something I could not begin to comprehend. It was not as often as I would like that I was in my Fathers presence, he always welcomed me and yearned for me to be with him but my own foolish decisions kept me from him, my selfish ways kept me from what I truly wanted most. Along the way, my enemies would come forth to taunt me and seduce me into their ways, my Father allowed them to taunt me so that I would be purified and my will would be His, not my own, but never did He let go off me and He promised it would be so. All I had to do was reach the end of the beach and we would be home forever. The place I longed to be. My Father allowed me to make my own decisions when dealing with my enemies, He would guide me and advise me, but the decision was mine, when I would make a mistake, I would know it was not what He wanted for me, but it was what I wanted so I selfishly did it anyway. Once I dealt with the consequences of my actions, he would use my experiences to better myself and show love to my enemy so they would turn from their ways and join us in our walk.
The walk seemed much longer than it really was, and my enemies got the best of me many a time, only because I forgot that I held my Fathers hand, if only I looked up at my Father while I faced my enemies, asked Him to guide me and set my focus on Him, never would they have overcome me.

The walk was as though, just a passing place… no longer than the falling of a leaf, yet that time, fighting as you fall, trying to move towards the direction your so mercifully being guided to and have the honour of being able to fall in such a place. once you fall, you cant go back, your no longer a part of the tree, the tree is the past and you had your chance to chose where you will fall, now you must lay there, time is no longer a concept, that is now your resting place or where you gnash your teeth and shout unheard cries of repentance. Being taunted, I would feel weak and deserted by my Father, temptation would many a time prevail. Continuously, I would forget to just clench my fist to feel His hand in my own and remember His presence, a presence that would give me the strength to rise above my enemies, to love my enemies.

Being taunted by my enemies was as though I was in the midst of a cold, dark forest. Lost as I look for a way out of this spine-chilling place. I could not even see the stars or the moon, for the trees had leaned over and as though merging together to take away hope from all who passed by, concealing what was above them, they hid any trace of the sky’s existence. When I finally decided to stop fighting on my own, then only did I take the time to realise that there was only one place where light had managed to get through the trees. There was a sunbeam that had penetrated through the forests mighty trees, from where I stood that beam of light was the most amazing thing in this forest, and if only I had taken the time before to notice this ray of hope before, would I have even realised that it was no longer night, and that I had spent so long struggling to get out of this forest on my own. Staring at the beam, everything else was almost pitch-black. I was seeing the beam, not seeing things by it. Clenching my Fathers hand to remind me of the strength I had in Him to rise above my enemies was as though I had moved into the beams path so that it fell on my eyes. Instantly the whole forest vanished. I saw no trees, no sky and above all no beam. I could see my Father now, and the forest that was once my enemies and their grip on me had now vanished. Walking on the beach with my Father and submitting to my Father are two very different experiences

Upon reaching the gate to our home, I looked back and as tears began to fill my eyes at what I saw, I pointed out to my Father the imprints in the beach of our footsteps. I showed Him where I was taunted by enemies and how there were only one set of footsteps at those times. In disbelief I said to Him. “Father, you abandoned me in my hardships”. As He laid His hand on my shoulder to comfort me, He told me “Son, I did not abandon you, in those times of hardships there is only one set of footsteps because I carried you through them.” Never would I let go off my Father who loved me so dearly and so I held his hand and promised “here I am to obey”.

sunny man

عضو مبارك
عضو مبارك
8 يونيو 2007
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قلب يسوع
رد على: فقط انا وابي الذي في السماء

شكرا يا justice in him على هذا الكلام الرائع. و لى رجاء كتابة هذا الموضوع باللغة العربية حتى يستفيد منه الكل. و اذا لم تتمكن من ذلك فاسمح لى ان اقوم بذلك حتى يتمكن الاخرون من قرائته. و فى انتظار ردك


New member
21 سبتمبر 2007
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رد على: فقط انا وابي الذي في السماء

عزيزي sunny man

شكرا لك عزيزي، سعيد لان الموضوع اعجبك، بخصوص الترجمة فلقد بدأت فيها هههه لاقي فيها صعوبة شوية بس ممكن تترجمها انتا عزيزي انا يمكن تعبيري في العربي مش بالمستوى المناسب. تكون فعلا انقذتني ههه

شكرا مرة تانية عزيزي

sunny man

عضو مبارك
عضو مبارك
8 يونيو 2007
مستوى التفاعل
قلب يسوع
رد على: فقط انا وابي الذي في السماء

شكرا على ردك و اهتمامك و سوف اقوم بترجمتها


New member
21 سبتمبر 2007
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رد على: فقط انا وابي الذي في السماء

وعشان اساعدك كمان ده الجزء اللي انا عملته، شكرا عزيزي وشد الهمه لانه في قصة تانية جايالك في الطريق ههه

"امسكت يده. كان علي ان ارفع يدي عاليا فوق رأسي لامسك بيده ولكن ذلك غمرني سعادة وسرور. لم اكن سوى طفل صغير، لم يكن لدي حكمة سوى حكمة ابي الذي هو في السماء. لم يكن لدي قوة سوى القوة التي منحني لها الرب. مشينا سويا على الشاطي المقدس، حكى لي الرب عن مستقبلي وماذا يريد مني ان اكون وجعلني سعيدا. ليس للخير الذي اراده لي ابي فحسب، ولكن لانه احبني وفكر فيني وظل وسيظل يراقبني ويقوي من خطواتي، لقد صار هو نور حياتي ونهاية ظلمتي.
كان الفرح يغمرني كلما فكرت في من هو معي يراقبني ويمشي معي الخطوة بالخرى ويحدثني عن حبهال اللامنتهي لي وحبه ليالذي كان يفوق طبيعة اي بشري، فقد احبني محبة لا يعرفها بشر.
لطالما ناداني الاب في احلامي واراد مني ان اكون بجانبه ولكن طبيعتي الحمقاء حرمتني من السعادة التي هي تفعمني الان"

ده الجزء اللي ترجمته.


New member
29 يونيو 2007
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رد على: فقط انا وابي الذي في السماء

موضوع جامد اوي ربنا يعوض تعبك


New member
21 سبتمبر 2007
مستوى التفاعل
رد على: فقط انا وابي الذي في السماء

موضوع جامد اوي ربنا يعوض تعبك
اشكرك حبيبي، سعيد لاعجابك، شرف ليه

ربنا يحفظك