هل اتركهم على ماهم عليه ام ادعوهم الى ديانتنا؟

فادي !

New member
27 فبراير 2008
مستوى التفاعل
سلام ونعمه ..

بالمصادفه .. تعرفت على شخص ما من الصين ..

وهذا الشخص يؤمن بهراء

ويقول ان "my god is my self"

كلني لم استطيع ان اشرح له لانه لا يعرف سوى الانجليزيه وانا ضعيف فيها ..

ولا اعرف الامثال او اي شيء بالانجليزيه ..

وهم يؤمنون باشياء غريبه .. مثل ان لا يوجد اله وان كل شيء تكون بسبب ما .. الخ

هل من الافضل ان ادعوهم الى ديانتنا ام اتركهم على ماهم عليه؟

وكيف استطيع التعامل معهم؟

هذه هي المحادثه .. التي دارت بيننا ..

انا اسمي في المسنجر tedy .. وهو ذو الاسم الغريب ..

(09:14 ص) 堕落恶魔★神 - 与天斗,其: where ary you?
(09:14 ص) tedy: you mean where are you from?
(09:15 ص) 堕落恶魔★神 - 与天斗,其: a ..... ha yes
(09:15 ص) tedy: egypt
(09:15 ص) tedy: but i'm not islamic
(09:15 ص) 堕落恶魔★神 - 与天斗,其: -_-.......
(09:15 ص) 堕落恶魔★神 - 与天斗,其: so.......
(09:16 ص) tedy: Christian
(09:16 ص) tedy: you'r Christian too or Jewish ?
(09:17 ص) 堕落恶魔★神 - 与天斗,其: no.....
(09:17 ص) tedy: so?
(09:17 ص) 堕落恶魔★神 - 与天斗,其: antitheist
(09:17 ص) tedy: what?
(09:17 ص) tedy: what that antitheist ?
(09:18 ص) tedy: another religion ?
(09:18 ص) 堕落恶魔★神 - 与天斗,其: i don`t underand how to expression
(09:18 ص) 堕落恶魔★神 - 与天斗,其: because my english very bad
(09:19 ص) 堕落恶魔★神 - 与天斗,其: Chinese English
(09:19 ص) 堕落恶魔★神 - 与天斗,其: hehe
(09:19 ص) tedy: ok .. but i will counsel you .. the Christianity is the right way ^^ ..
(09:20 ص) 堕落恶魔★神 - 与天斗,其:
(09:20 ص) tedy: you have a pictures on it a cross .. why ?
(09:21 ص) 堕落恶魔★神 - 与天斗,其: i juse believe in myself

(10:04 ص) tedy: you don't tell me what is "antitheist" ..
(10:04 ص) 堕落恶魔★神 - 与天斗,其: ...
(10:05 ص) 堕落恶魔★神 - 与天斗,其: i don`t understand how to de***ibe
(10:05 ص) tedy: adore idol or something like this
(10:05 ص) 堕落恶魔★神 - 与天斗,其: no no ....
(10:07 ص) 堕落恶魔★神 - 与天斗,其: antitheism
(10:07 ص) tedy: any way you'r religion is .. the Christianity is the best religion i ever seen .. you have too read Christianity book too know the right way
(10:08 ص) tedy: how you theism with no Christianity ?
(10:08 ص) 堕落恶魔★神 - 与天斗,其: ??
(10:08 ص) 堕落恶魔★神 - 与天斗,其: my religion is myself.....
(10:09 ص) tedy: you'r religion is you'r self
(10:09 ص) 堕落恶魔★神 - 与天斗,其: yes~
(10:10 ص) tedy: you have any book to that "antitheist" ....
(10:10 ص) 堕落恶魔★神 - 与天斗,其: ....no
(10:11 ص) 堕落恶魔★神 - 与天斗,其: that`s not a religion
(10:11 ص) tedy: you mean you don't indemnify the god ?
(10:11 ص) 堕落恶魔★神 - 与天斗,其: indemnify??
(10:12 ص) tedy: believe
(10:12 ص) tedy: you mean you don't have any religion
(10:12 ص) 堕落恶魔★神 - 与天斗,其: yes~
(10:12 ص) 堕落恶魔★神 - 与天斗,其: so my religion is myself
(10:13 ص) tedy: what the hell you'r talking about .. after you'r death you will going to the hell .. coz you don't believe in the messias
(10:13 ص) 堕落恶魔★神 - 与天斗,其: haha please don`t care my MSN name
(10:13 ص) tedy: yes
(10:13 ص) tedy: i show it
(10:14 ص) tedy: and i feel west
(10:14 ص) 堕落恶魔★神 - 与天斗,其: my MSN name the god is my good friend
(10:14 ص) 堕落恶魔★神 - 与天斗,其: it`s his id
(10:15 ص) 堕落恶魔★神 - 与天斗,其: i have no dead so i don`t think that
(10:16 ص) tedy: what you mean by you have no "dead" every one gonna dead
(10:16 ص) 堕落恶魔★神 - 与天斗,其: o......
(10:17 ص) 堕落恶魔★神 - 与天斗,其: mean...i`m life now...
(10:22 ص) tedy: and so going to heaven or hell .. you don't believe in god or in Christian you will fall in the hell .. and so the "only believe" is not enough .. you have to orison too the god and also baptism .. this is god teachings trust me you will never gonna to heaven with that and you have to torture in the hell for ever .. may you life now .. but you may death in any second .. and if you death with no Christianity you will going to the hell join to christendom and save you'r self from destruction
(10:23 ص) 堕落恶魔★神 - 与天斗,其: ....
(10:23 ص) tedy: you get it now ? ,,
(10:23 ص) 堕落恶魔★神 - 与天斗,其: get it ? who?
(10:24 ص) 堕落恶魔★神 - 与天斗,其: what?
(10:24 ص) tedy: i mean you understand what i'm say now ?
(10:24 ص) 堕落恶魔★神 - 与天斗,其: may be....a little.....
(10:24 ص) 堕落恶魔★神 - 与天斗,其: if i`m not beleve Christianity i will goto hell??
(10:25 ص) 堕落恶魔★神 - 与天斗,其: ...is this?
(10:25 ص) tedy: of course "yes"
(10:25 ص) 堕落恶魔★神 - 与天斗,其: ......
(10:27 ص) 堕落恶魔★神 - 与天斗,其: in chinese my id is 恶魔 the english mean devil
(10:27 ص) 堕落恶魔★神 - 与天斗,其: but is virtuous devil
(10:28 ص) tedy: you slave the devil?
(10:28 ص) 堕落恶魔★神 - 与天斗,其: if no hell the heaven will be not exist
(10:28 ص) tedy: hahahahaaahaha you kill me with that hahaha
(10:28 ص) 堕落恶魔★神 - 与天斗,其: no...no
(10:29 ص) 堕落恶魔★神 - 与天斗,其: like true and false
(10:29 ص) 堕落恶魔★神 - 与天斗,其: if no true ........
(10:30 ص) 堕落恶魔★神 - 与天斗,其: where`s the false ?
(10:30 ص) tedy: the god is the one who creation all the creature
(10:30 ص) 堕落恶魔★神 - 与天斗,其: include the hell is creation by god ?
(10:31 ص) tedy: you can't false in the devil .. coz the devil is creation by god
(10:31 ص) tedy: yes
(10:31 ص) 堕落恶魔★神 - 与天斗,其: that`s right
(10:31 ص) 堕落恶魔★神 - 与天斗,其: why god will creation hell?
(10:33 ص) tedy: coz the people who don't believe in him going there .. god give us a chance .. this chance is the live ..
(10:35 ص) tedy: you have too read the "angel" ..
(10:35 ص) 堕落恶魔★神 - 与天斗,其: if god creation people ,why there`s some people don't believe in him?
(10:36 ص) tedy: yes .. the god go to the earth
(10:36 ص) tedy: and
(10:36 ص) 堕落恶魔★神 - 与天斗,其: angel is so chastity
(10:38 ص) 堕落恶魔★神 - 与天斗,其: i will enjoy life but i`m not god ,so in some thing i`m wrong
(10:38 ص) tedy: pain and death for us .. and so he revive in the 7 days .. and so he left the angel .. and who don't believe the angel will going to hell ..
(10:38 ص) 堕落恶魔★神 - 与天斗,其: but i persist in my think
(10:39 ص) 堕落恶魔★神 - 与天斗,其: ok...but where`s the angle?
(10:39 ص) tedy: "i will enjoy life but i`m not god ,so in some thing i`m wrong" yeeeees .. he not creation us for no adore
(10:40 ص) 堕落恶魔★神 - 与天斗,其: if i see angle i will believe god
(10:40 ص) tedy: i couldn't find it an chinase .. but if you search you will find it easily
(10:40 ص) tedy: "if i see angle i will believe god " .. yes
(10:41 ص) tedy: you have too read the angel and going to church
(10:41 ص) tedy: you know the sun?
(10:41 ص) 堕落恶魔★神 - 与天斗,其: yes.....but life is so short
(10:42 ص) 堕落恶魔★神 - 与天斗,其: of cause...
(10:43 ص) tedy: the hell fire is harder than the sun .. and you have too being there for ever .. and you'r body will not afire but you have to feel pain for ever
(10:43 ص) tedy: the life is too short coz the long life is in the heaven .. in the heaven you have too like for ever
(10:44 ص) tedy: life**
(10:44 ص) 堕落恶魔★神 - 与天斗,其: hehe if i`m goto hell i will life in hell struggling
(10:44 ص) 堕落恶魔★神 - 与天斗,其: if i can ,i will conquer hell
(10:46 ص) 堕落恶魔★神 - 与天斗,其: no no ... i`m not god ,i can`t think so much ,so i just plan my life
(10:47 ص) tedy: don't be a fool "the fire will eat you .. and the big warm the hell is totally """"horrible""""
(10:48 ص) 堕落恶魔★神 - 与天斗,其: hehe if now you life in caravan how to life?
(10:48 ص)
إلغاء الأمر(Alt+غ)
(10:48 ص) tedy: show this
(10:49 ص) 堕落恶魔★神 - 与天斗,其: live in caravan
(10:49 ص) tedy: what you mean by "caravan"
(10:49 ص) 堕落恶魔★神 - 与天斗,其: yes...
(10:49 ص) 堕落恶魔★神 - 与天斗,其: o ....
(10:49 ص) tedy: ?
(10:49 ص) 堕落恶魔★神 - 与天斗,其: desert?
(10:50 ص) tedy: desert you trifle?
(10:51 ص) 堕落恶魔★神 - 与天斗,其: ....
(10:51 ص) tedy: any way .. show that video please
(10:51 ص)
إلغاء الأمر(Alt+غ)
(10:51 ص) 堕落恶魔★神 - 与天斗,其: o.....hahaha Egypt in the desert
(10:52 ص) 堕落恶魔★神 - 与天斗,其: no....sorry...boss is seeing me
(10:52 ص) tedy: not totally
(10:53 ص) tedy: so .. you'r boss is supreme than the god ?
(10:53 ص) 堕落恶魔★神 - 与天斗,其: ....
(10:53 ص) 堕落恶魔★神 - 与天斗,其: my boss is a girl ....
(10:54 ص) tedy:
(10:54 ص) 堕落恶魔★神 - 与天斗,其: ....
(10:55 ص) 堕落恶魔★神 - 与天斗,其: i can uses msn speak but i can`t send any sound
(10:55 ص) tedy: in egypt .. the god (jesus) .. make alot of miracle
(10:55 ص) tedy: lik revive the dead's
(10:56 ص) tedy: and cure the sick
and also help the others in other things
(10:57 ص) 堕落恶魔★神 - 与天斗,其: if he can help me do some things ,i will be beleve destruction
(10:58 ص) tedy: the god say that "don't try you'r god"
(10:59 ص) 堕落恶魔★神 - 与天斗,其: yes , so ,i must depend on myself
(10:59 ص) 堕落恶魔★神 - 与天斗,其: so i juse beleve myself
(11:00 ص) 堕落恶魔★神 - 与天斗,其: myself is my god
(11:00 ص) tedy: despite all the sings i say now
(11:01 ص) 堕落恶魔★神 - 与天斗,其:
(11:01 ص) 堕落恶魔★神 - 与天斗,其: i will off duty
(11:01 ص) tedy: ok .. you'r self is you'r god .. but first try to going too church
(11:01 ص) tedy: and knowing the god
(11:01 ص) tedy: and if you don't like him do what ever you want

كيف استطيع التصرف؟