برج شكيم وموثوقيه الكتاب المقدس

II Theodore II

عضو مبارك
عضو مبارك
16 أكتوبر 2016
مستوى التفاعل

Jdg 9:46 وَسَمِعَ كُلُّ أَهْلِ بُرْجِ شَكِيمَ فَدَخَلُوا إِلَى صَرْحِ بَيْتِ إِيلِ بَرِيثَ.

برج شكيم هو قلعه بنيت في الجزء العلوى لشكيم , وكان برج شكيم هو القلعه التى فروا اليها قاده شكيم من هجوم ابيمالك , وقد وضع ابيمالك في الاجزاء العليا من الغرفه الداخليه التى اختبأوا بها نار وهذا تسبب في مقتل جميع الرجال والنساء , وقد تم العثور علي بقايا برج شكيم بداخل البلده القديمه لشكيم وتظهر الحفريات ان برج شكيم كان يُستخدم كمعبد وحصن


[1] Eloil, W. A., & Batesel, B.J. (1988). Becker Encyclopedia of the Bible. The map is on the lining sheets. (1943). Grand Rapids, Michelle: Baker Book House,, Shishm Tower.

A fortress built on the Acropolis of Shisham, inhabited by the temple of Baal al-Barith and located within the walls of the city. The town of Shisham was located in the country of the tribe of Efraim near Mount Gerizim.

The Tower of Shechem was the fortress that fled from the leaders of Shishim from the attack of Abemlich. They took refuge in the inner room of the Temple of Baal Perez. However, Abimelech, placing the upper parts of the inner room on the fire, killing all the men and women who stay in (Gggs 9: 46-49).

Remains of the Shikim Tower were found inside the old town of Shchem in Tel Balata, a short distance northeast of modern Nablus in central Palestine. Modern excavations show that the Shishm tower was used as a temple and fortress..

[2] Bromley, G. W. (1988; 2002). International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, Revised (4: 882). And. B. Erdmanns,, Tower of Shishm (Heb) Megadal-Chem (Giggs 9: 46f, 49); GK for A Bergos Sikkimon, B Bergos Seshm (Giggs 9: 46f); The stronghold of the temple house was destroyed by Abimelech (Giggs 9: 46-49). The excavations at Shishm (Tel Bila’a) revealed the remains of a large temple fortress located on top of the Acropolis of the city of Mabalb in the city of Shishm. The temple was first built in the middle of the 17th century. To replace the smaller temple complex, measuring 26.3 meters from 21.2 meters (86 1/4 feet by 69 1/2 feet) with walls 5.1 meters (16 feet) thick. It was destroyed in the middle of the sixteenth century b. During the Egyptian campaign against the Hyksos, but rebuilt on a smaller scale. In the twelfth century, Ka 1125 BC, Abimelech destroyed the city of Shishm, slaughtered a large number of its inhabits, leaving the temple a castle in ruins..

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