“يهددوننا بأسلحتهم، لأنهم يشعرون بأن إيماننا يهددهم”:شهادة ايمانية للأب الشهيد رغيد تنشر لأول مرة

paul iraqe

عضو مبارك
عضو مبارك
3 يناير 2014
مستوى التفاعل
“يهددوننا بأسلحتهم، لأنهم يشعرون بأن إيماننا يهددهم”:شهادة ايمانية للأب الشهيد رغيد تنشر لأول مرة


عشتار تيفي كوم - اعلام البطريركية الكلدانية/
الأب ريبوار عوديش باسه
تمر علينا هذه الأيام الذكرى الثانية عشرة على استشهاد الأب رغيد عزيز كني ورفاقه الشامسة وحيد حنا ايشو، وبسمان يوسف داؤد، وغسان عصام بيداويذ، وذلك بعد احتفالهم بالقداس الإلهي في كنيسة الروح القدس في الموصل، يوم الأحد ٣ حزيران ٢٠٠٧. كما نعلم بأن ملف تطويبهم قد قدمته كنيستنا الكلدانية رسمياً للفاتيكان وتتابعه عن كثب، وقد أعلنوا بالفعل “خدام الله”، ونأمل أن يتم اعلان طوباويتهم قريباً.
وبهذه المناسبة ننشر لأول مرة كلمات شهادة ايمانية مهمة ومؤثرة للأب الشهيد رغيد كني كان قد ألقاها في المعهد الكهنوتي الإيرلندي في روما بتاريخ ١٧ تشرين الثاني ٢٠٠٦، أي قبل استشهاده بما يقارب ستة أشهر.
حصلت على نسخة من تسجيل لهذه الموعظة من زميلي كاهن إيرلندي الأب باري هوران (Bary Horan)، وذلك حينما رافقتُ عائلة الأب الشهيد رغيد خلال مشاركتهم في اللقاء العالمي للعائلة لأداء شهادتهم الإيمانية أمام قداسة البابا فرنسيس ولقائهم به.
جزيل الشكر للأب باري هوران الذي حافظ على هذه الشهادة الإيمانية الفريدة والثمينة للأب الشهيد رغيد، وأعطانا نسخة منه وذلك لتعميم الفائدة الروحية للشهادة الإيمانية للأب الشهيد رغيد.
ادناه نص شهادة الأب الشهيد رغيد عن اضطهاد المسيحيين ومعاناتهم والتي كان قد القاها باللغة الإنكليزية:
Homily of Fr. Ragheed Ganni at Vespers, 17th November 2006, Pontifical Irish College Rome
We all believe that each human being is created in the image and likeness of God, and because of this, we understand how evil it is that someone should be killed by another person, without thinking that this person has the right to live and that his life should not be taken away from him, even if they think that God is ordering them to do so.
Three years ago I went back to Iraq, after staying here in the Irish college for seven years. During those seven years I got to know a lot of things about Ireland, about the history of the church in Ireland and about persecution, and I always admired the faith of the Irish and the way they survived and kept their churches open. I often spoke about this. In the college I also came across people from different nationalities, and each one contributed to my knowledge in some way.
When I went back home, carrying my hopes and thoughts of working in my own diocese in the north of Iraq, in particular after the changes that had happened after Saddam’s regime fell, I thought that there was going to be a very bright future and that things would move in a better direction. And then over the last three years my own parish church was attacked, perhaps ten times. And sometimes people were wounded. But Christians still insisted on coming to Sunday masses and other activities. In fact, last Saturday there was another attack on my parish church, and I thought that on that Sunday nobody would come to mass, because within a very short period that church had been attacked six rimes. I was surprised to know that there were about five hundred people at evening mass the following day.
So I have always thought that people under persecution are able to discover the grace of God, and discover how strong their faith is, while there are people trying to threaten us with their weapons, because they are threatened by our faith.
People would often contact me asking me the most important thing that they could do for us. And I always asked for prayers. It is amazing how something like that built up our morale, just knowing there were people sharing our difficulties with us, people united to us though their prayers, and people who were thinking about us while we were suffering in Iraq.
I was very optimistic up to about three months ago, and then things took a turn for the worse, Now the future for Iraq is very grey and I think we need more prayers than ever. There are so many people fleeing to different countries or even to Kurdistan within Iraq, but there are many others unable to move to anywhere else, and they are in some way prisoners within their own homes. They simply cannot leave, and they really need a lot of prayers.
There is still pressure to try to remove Christianity from Iraq, or to stop Christians there from being faithful to their own tradition and their faith, but by the grace of God, as St. Paul says, nobody will ever be able to separate the love of Christ from us, or us from the love of Christ.
Once again, I thank the Irish College for allowing me to have this opportunity to share all this with you, and I ask you to continue praying for peace in Iraq and for the Christians there.


ابن المصلوب
8 ديسمبر 2006
مستوى التفاعل
راحه ابديه من رب السماء للشهداء القديسين
للأب رغيد عزيز كني ورفاقه الشامسة


paul iraqe

عضو مبارك
عضو مبارك
3 يناير 2014
مستوى التفاعل
راحه ابديه من رب السماء للشهداء القديسين
للأب رغيد عزيز كني ورفاقه الشامسة


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